Monday, January 9, 2012

MS Publisher - Newsletter Project Prep Day


Hello and welcome to our first day as Internet Publishers.  Today we will form into groups and you will be responsible for beginning the work on a Social Agenda Newsletter.  Please create a logo for your group using pictures, MS Paint, or any other graphic design program.  Once you are in your teams, pick a leader and a topic to create a Newsletter about.  The topics can be similar to the ones you used for the Public Service Announcement.  You may not use anything vulgar, offensive, illegal or immoral.  I reserve the right to final approval of every topic for each group.  Each person in your group must then write a one-page article about something associated with your topic.  Each paper must use three (3) sources and be referenced.  You must email me your articles along with one picture associated with your topic.    This article will be used with the others to create the newsletter.  All teams must create a two (2) page Newsletter.  Further details on grading rubrics, content, and other items will be available tomorrow.  For now, here is the grading rubric for the article for today:

  1. 5-6 Paragraphs                                                     5pts
  2. Proper Spelling, Punctuation, and Grammar           5pts
  3. Picture Included Is Appropriate and Timely           5pts
  4. Overall Team Theme is Recognizable                    5pts
 Please email your articles to me by the end of class.  You may use any website available for research.  This is a short project and should not take more than today and tomorrow to complete.  Tomorrow you and your group will layout the pages of the Newsletter and add in the additional items.

Good Luck,

- Mr. S


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice blog. I read your blog. All the above mentioned detail help us in making the newsletter. It is the basic thing which is necessary for the writing of news letter. Thanks.
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